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Green hydrogen.
The best energy by far.

Develop. Scale-up. Deliver. For HH2E, hydrogen is what drives energy transition forwards. We will achieve the climate-neutral energy landscape of tomorrow with hydrogen.

Our winning formula for energy transition is 100% green hydrogen. But we have more to offer: green heat and green electricity. For local industries, for German companies and entire regions. This is a new type of energy and it’s in the fast lane. Affordable, dependable and safe.

The future is made of H2.

With HH2E’s green hydrogen, we have set ourselves the goal of fully utilising the untapped potential of renewable energies. Wind and solar plants create energy peaks when they produce at high capacity. This results in electricity grids becoming overloaded: wind turbines are shut down and solar energy is not used. We, at HH2E, however, utilize these resources around the clock to process green electricity, regardless of the weather.


Energy with which we move industries and municipalities, cover their energy needs and help them to progress towards a climate-neutral economy.


Energy that is available when it’s needed. Produced, stored and supplied no matter the weather conditions.


Energy that is reliable in terms of technology and contributes to dependable supplies by balancing out the fluctuating availability of renewable energies.


Energy that is affordable and makes the German economy more independent and sustainable at the same time.

This is how we give companies positive energy.

Our green hydrogen will be coming on-stream from 2027. Supplied by our HH2E plants, it will reduce your corporate carbon footprint and help you achieve your sustainability goals and regulatory requirements. These are new perspectives – for energy utilization, your company, your customers and for Germany as an industrial location. And with many advantages for you.

Achieving climate

Guaranteed to be in accordance
with national and European
requirements, and certified

Security of

Stable availability, high-performance
HH2E plants and numerous
distribution options utilizing the
hydrogen core gas network


Maximum independence from
other forms of energy and
global developments, plus
value for money


Safeguarding the future growth
of existing businesses and
helping to shape Germany as
a business location

    This is how we make markets climate-neutral.

    More than ever, green hydrogen has the potential to change markets and industries. Because it makes clean and sustainable solutions possible and speeds them up. Because it secures future growth for Germany as an industrial location and for its industries. Because it helps companies replace fossil fuels and drive forward the decarbonization of their businesses.


    Green hydrogen will completely change the industrial landscape. This is because it makes a key contribution to industrial transformation in terms of both energy and materials. In the decarbonization of industrial processes, the creation of new fields of business and markets, storage solutions and sector coupling. As a sustainable raw material, it can reduce the C02 emissions of a wide range of industries and make a significant contribution to achieving ESG goals. The forecast from 2030 to 2050 is a doubling of demand.


    Wherever electrification reaches its limits, such as in the case of trucks, ships or aircraft, hydrogen propulsion is part of the solution. Green hydrogen will replace fossil fuels by providing energy for fuel cells and as a primary product for electricity-based fuels. Refuelling with hydrogen is faster than charging batteries. The network of refuelling stations is currently being expanded.


    Climate-neutral synthetic kerosene produced with green hydrogen is an alternative to conventional kerosene. No change of engines, tanks or aviation infrastructure is necessary. SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuel) has the potential to significantly reduce C02 emissions in the future. Demand will continue to rise until 2050. In the logistics sector alone, demand is expected to triple between 2030 and 2050.


    Container and cruise ships, freighters and ferries currently use fuels produced from crude oil which are high in emissions. Shipping will become climate-neutral through the use of methanol or ammonia, for example, produced using green hydrogen. 100% green hydrogen will make shipping in the future cleaner, from propulsion technologies through to infrastructure.

      Green hydrogen is on its way.

      We have set out to build an energy system around the distribution of green hydrogen. From the HH2E plants, hydrogen is distributed using sustainable gas networks and pipeline infrastructure to ensure a dependable energy supply.


      You can use trailers or logistics to transport hydrogen to your desired location


      You can obtain H2 as an admixture into the natural gas grid anywhere in Germany

      H2 network

      You can use Germany’s hydrogen core network, and have a direct connection via a private H2 pipeline

      Promising pioneers:
      Our plants.

      Our first projects in Lubmin and Thierbach are models for future energy supply in Germany. We look forward to showing you around!

        Would you like to find out more?

        Dajana Zirzlaff and our sales management team will be happy to tell you more. You can reach them by email or via LinkedIn.